Next Free Live Webcasts with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Parts 2 & 3 of Six-Month Course on Living and Dying Plus ‘The Practice of Chöd’
Registration is now open for the following live webcasts with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Each webcast is free and open to all!
October 8, 2016 (Saturday), 3–4:10 p.m.:
Transcending Fear, Finding Hope
Fear may be the single biggest obstacle to leading a meaningful and joyful life, and to experiencing peace of mind at the time of death. Whether we are afraid of losing our keys, losing a loved one or losing our health, fear blinds us to our true nature and potential. Through a teaching and guided meditation, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will help us acknowledge our fears and use them as a doorway to the changeless essence that is beyond ego and fear. In connecting with that new space, we can discover a wealth of confidence, flexibility, potentiality, creativity and joy.
This webcast is Part 2 of the free six-month course on Living with Joy, Dying in Peace.
Register for October 8 webcast
View September 10 webcast
Learn more about the course
October 15, 2016 (Saturday), 3–4:30 p.m.
Fear and Attachment: Doorways to Liberation (The Practice of Chöd)
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach and guide a meditation during his annual Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Nelson County, Virginia. The practice of chöd is a creative and skillful method for dissolving the emotional conflicts and dissatisfaction in your life by cutting through, with compassion, the fear and attachment that obscure your natural state of mind. Broadcast live from the teaching hall.
Register for October 15 webcast
Learn about the Fall Retreat
November 12, 2016 (Saturday), 3–4:10 p.m.
Asleep but Not Unconscious: Discovering Awareness in the Sleep State
According to the ancient Tibetan spiritual traditions, the process of falling asleep is similar to the process of dying: the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and space dissolve; we enter ever-subtler states of awareness; and we transit alone to a new dimension. Yet, throughout this transition it is possible to continuously maintain our awareness. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains how to cultivate awareness in both sleeping and dying, and guides a supportive meditation practice.
This webcast is Part 3 of the free six-month course on Living with Joy, Dying in Peace.
Register for November 12 webcast
Learn more about the course
For More Information
View the first (September 10) webcast of the course on Living with Joy, Dying and Peace
Learn more about the free six-month course, including its discussion forum, video and downloadable audio recordings and print materials
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