Letter from the Editors
This Precious Life
Lake Yamdrok in Tibet
Dear Friends,
It's always hard when you have to miss Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's webcasts, especially when you plan and look forward to them, but life doesn't always cooperate with plans! Due to illness in the family, we missed the September 10 webcast, the first in the new series of six free webcasts on “Living in Joy, Dying in Peace,” and we were reminded once again to practice while we still can. Life is so fleeting – impermanence is right now. The illnesses and deaths of those close by remind us not to delay and to rest in our true nature when we are able, practice when we can, and connect with our teachers and sangha whenever the opportunity arises!
The teaching excerpt included in this issue is from the oral teachings given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at Serenity Ridge in summer 2013. It, too, reminds us of how easily we lose ourselves in continually looking and searching all around us, just as our smartphones or navigation systems are doing. Read Rinpoche's words on “Turn off Your Search Mode – Trust in Being.”
Mark your calendars for the three free upcoming webcasts in October and November. There are simultaneous translations of the webcasts in up to 12 languages, as well. And space is still space available at the annual Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge October 12–16 on “The Practice of Chöd from the Bön Mother Tantra.”
Act fast if you want to sign up for the Ligmincha Learning online course on “Transforming Our Emotions through the Six Lokas,” a seven-week course starting October 1. Ligmincha Learning will offer a brand new free online course, "Starting a Meditation Practice," beginning November 1. And a new Ligmincha Learning course on “Awakening the Sacred Feminine: The Healing Practice of Sherab Chamma” is coming in January. See all the details below.
GlideWing's next online course, on the topic of “Achieving Great Bliss through Pure Awareness,” begins November 12.
Rinpoche will be the keynote speaker on October 8 at the Mindfulness Leadership Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, if you are in the area. His topic will be “Enlightened Leadership.” And if you are in the San Jose, California area, you can attend Rinpoche's talks during the Science and Nonduality Conference beginning October 20. How fortunate that Rinpoche is available and able to share the teachings at so many different venues! You can always find Tenzin Rinpoche's teaching schedule by date and by location on the Ligmincha International website.
Winter Retreats at Serenity Ridge are right around the corner – see the details below. The 3 Doors announces a new Compassion Project – learn more! And you can find the link to the 2015 Annual Report for Ligmincha International – read about activities accomplished during 2015 and read a report about Ligmincha's finances. Can you help VOCL share the duties of webmaster? See the article below to find out how you can help. Last but not least, our links to the Spanish and Portuguese translations of the August issue of Voice of Clear Light.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff