Teaching Issue
Volume 16, Number 3 / June 2016

Letter from the Editors
Your Life Becomes a Practice
Dear Friends,
We're excited to bring you another action-packed issue. First, we have a special announcement: a free three-week online workshop is being made possible by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and GlideWing Productions to be held July 9–31, 2016. More

Compassion and Enlightened Leadership
Warmth in Action
Both enlightened leadership and serving others have so much to do with wisdom and compassion. For anyone who is on the spiritual path, particularly those of us on the Bon and Buddhist paths, wisdom and compassion are the true core aspects of our spiritual practice. More

Distinctions Between Dream and Sleep Yoga
From The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Sleep yoga is the focus of Ligmincha's upcoming two-week summer retreat beginning June 19 at Serenity Ridge. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be teaching on “Sleep of Clear Light: The Sleep Yoga Practice From the Bon Mother Tantra.” Learn more about the retreat.
The normal process of sleep occurs as consciousness withdraws from the senses and the mind loses itself in distraction, thinning out in mental images and thoughts until it dissolves in darkness. Unconsciousness then lasts until dreams arise. More

Upcoming Free Webcasts with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
June 11, June 25 and July 9
Mark your calendar! Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be giving three live webcasts in June and July. Join us from your computer or other device. Each webcast is free and open to all. More

Meditation As Medicine for Body and Mind
Free Online Workshop Forms Basis for Research into Pain-Relieving Effects of Meditation
From July 9–31, 2016, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and GlideWing Productions will offer a free three-week online workshop on Healing From the Source: Meditation as Medicine for Body and Mind. In connection with the free workshop, a team of researchers will conduct a study into the effects of workshop participation on easing physical and emotional pain. More

Summer Service Retreat at Serenity Ridge
Join In and Help!
Join us at Serenity Ridge on June 12–17 for a special service retreat prior to the annual Summer Retreat. Participants will receive 50 percent off the cost of registration for one week of the two-week Summer Retreat, scheduled for June 19–July 2 on the topic of Sleep Yoga. More

Donate to 2016 Summer Fundraising Auction!
Set for Friday, June 24, at Serenity Ridge
We welcome you to join the annual summer fundraising auction at Serenity Ridge on Friday, June 24. This will be held during the first week of the Summer Retreat on Sleep Yoga with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
The auction is an important public fundraising event for Ligmincha International and Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and is essential for furthering Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's vision for Serenity Ridge. More

Serenity Ridge: Expanding to Meet Practitioners' Needs
Groundbreaking Happens This Month
Rob Patzig, president of Ligmincha International, writes about the new building planned to meet the growing needs of Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, headquarters of Ligmincha International, located in Nelson County, Virginia.
Serenity Ridge, Ligmincha International’s headquarters and oldest retreat center, is preparing for major change. At this summer’s retreat, a groundbreaking ceremony for a new building will take place on June 25 at 10:30 a.m. Construction will begin in November. More

Have You Met Ligmincha's Six Resident Lamas?
Guiding Ligmincha International Sanghas Around the World
What do these Ligmincha International communities have in common: Poland, Texas, Mexico, France, Virginia? They are all home to Ligmincha's resident lamas! How fortunate for the Ligmincha students in these sanghas to have such a close connection to the Bon lineage, with support, guidance and wisdom right there for them. More

Three-Week GlideWing Workshop Begins June 11
Tibetan Sound Healing: The Five Sacred Warrior Seed Syllables
The next GlideWing online workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, “Tibetan Sound Healing: The Five Sacred Warrior Seed Syllables,” will be held June 11–July 3, 2016. With Rinpoche’s personal guidance you will learn to use the healing power of five sacred syllables known as the Five Warrior Syllables. More

The Three Heart Mantras with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Five-Week Online Workshop Begins August 20, 2016
Ligmincha Learning is pleased to present an online course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on “The Three Heart Mantras of Bon” from August 20–September 24, 2016.
The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Bon tradition and play a major role in the ngondro (preliminary practices). They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy. More

Fall Retreat 2016 Now Open for Registration
The Practice of Chod from the Bon Mother Tantra
Registration is now open for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s annual Fall Retreat at Serenity Ridge. From October 12–16, Rinpoche will teach on the topic of “Fear and Attachment: Doorways to Liberation—The practice of Chod from the Bon Mother Tantra.” More

Ligmincha Europe Magazine–Spring 2016
A Beautiful 20th Issue!

Spanish and Portuguese Translations of VOCL
Links to April Issue Now Available

Upcoming Retreats
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats listed below will take place at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, Ligmincha International headquarters located in Nelson County, Virginia. To register or for more information, click on the links below, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 434-263-6304.
June 12–17, 2016
Summer Service Retreat
Participants will receive 50 percent off the cost of registration for one week of the two-week Summer Retreat, scheduled for June 19–July 2 on the topic of Sleep Yoga.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
for more information and an application
June 19–July 2, 2016
Summer Retreat: Sleep of Clear Light: The Sleep Yoga Practice from the Bon Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Attend one or both weeks.
Learn more/register
October 12–16, 2016
Fall Retreat 2016: The Practice of Chod from the Bon Mother Tantra
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Learn more/register
November 3–6, 2016
Trul Khor Training: Tibetan Bon Yoga, Part 1
with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D.
Learn more
December 27, 2016–January 1, 2017
The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 3: The Practice of the Path
with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Previous completion of Part 2 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung series.
Learn more
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , call 434-202-6211 or visit the Serenity Ridge website.