Register Now for April 1–3 Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge
Enlightened Leadership with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Registration is now open for Ligmincha’s annual Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach on the topic of Enlightened Leadership from April 1–3.
As we awaken to our true nature, each one of us can become an agent of change that benefits ourselves, others, and society. Join Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as he helps us engage in dzogchen meditation practices that offer direct instruction to access the spaciousness of being. Spaciousness is the means to reduce ego and increase compassion, the necessary components of enlightened leadership.
This retreat is being offered for anyone who wishes to discover and maintain a positive direction in life. It will be helpful for anyone who is drawn to practice meditation in a genuinely heartfelt way, desiring to serve others.
In addition, you can join us at Serenity Ridge on March 29–31 for a special work retreat prior to the annual Spring Retreat. Participants who work a total of 15 hours will receive 50 percent off the cost of registration for the April 1–3 Spring Retreat.