Letter from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
New Free Six-Month Internet Course
A message from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche about a new, free six-month Internet course, Transforming Your World Through Service, starting in February.
Dear Sangha and Friends,
A very Happy New Year to you all. May all your negative karma of the old year be purified and released, and may all your best wishes for the New Year come true!
I have been very happy to hear from so many of you about the positive changes in your lives as a result of the soul retrieval practices during the past year. More than 2,550 have registered for the yearlong course, and for each of its webcasts, as many as 1,500 computers or other devices were viewing at any given moment. Because the course has been so well-received, I have decided to continue my 2016 webcast series with another free, six-month Internet course. The course will be on Transforming Your World Through Service, and it will take place from February 13–August 15, 2016. Registration for the course is now open at Ligmincha Learning.
What does it mean to serve others? The wish to be of benefit is a natural manifestation of one’s spiritual growth, and it is essential to one’s spiritual practice. We all want to help care for others, but we tend to go about it in the wrong way. Whether a child is helping his aging parent, a boss is helping her employees, a leader is helping an entire nation, an activist is helping the environment or a sangha member is helping a spiritual community, the main obstacle in our ability to help fully is interference from our own ego. The aim of this six-month course is to guide you in cultivating the wisdom and compassion that one needs to go beyond one's ego and be as effective as possible in serving others. It offers guidance in making decisions from the space of awareness, connecting with a sense of collective purpose and inspiring others to serve.
I particularly see a need for these teachings among my current students worldwide, and encourage every one of you to participate in the course and to engage in dialog about it with others in your local centers or sanghas when possible.
Similar to The True Source of Healing, the new six-month course will include recordings of the webcasts plus ways for the cyber-sangha to connect with and support each other throughout the six months. Volunteer translators will continue to translate the live webcasts in real time into as many as 12 languages. You can learn more about this new course and its full schedule of live webcasts at Ligmincha Learning. See the link below.
I send you all my prayers and blessings for the New Year.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche