Apply to New 3 Doors Academies in the U.S. and Europe
Creativity Retreat in Italy Also Scheduled
The 3 Doors has good news to share: applications are being accepted for two new academies to begin in United States and Europe this year. The 3 Doors also invites you to a special retreat on creativity in Italy this June.
Apply to Academies
You may apply to the U.S. Academy, taught by Marcy Vaughn and Gabriel Rocco, which begins September 21, 2016, at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Virginia or to the European Academy, taught by John Jackson and Raven Lee, which begins November 6, 2016 near Dusseldorf, Germany.
The 3 Doors is a contemplative secular organization formed in 2011 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International. The meditation practices are simple, accessible, and powerful.
In the words of Academy graduate Renee Daily, “Gathering with others who are similarly committed to self-reflection and personal transformation, and witnessing and sharing the journey together, is a unique and remarkably rich experience. As a graduate of the first U.S. Academy, my participation was life-changing. My own growth and the deepening of my personal practice were so supported by the experience that I am currently attending the third U.S. Academy to continue this beautiful process of personal transformation. The commitment required in the program is challenging, yet the rewards are beyond measure.”
Creativity Retreat in Italy
All are welcome to attend “Connecting to Your Inner Source of Creativity,” June 6–12 near Florence, Italy. This residential retreat will be taught by 3 Doors senior teachers Raven Lee and John Jackson. It will be held at La Chiara di Prumiano, a lovely 17th century villa in the hills of Tuscany. Participants’ time will be spent in a carefully planned mix of teaching and guided meditation with periods of silence, small group work, writing and other creative exercises.
Within each of us is an infinite source of creativity that allows our work and service, relationships with others and personal confidence to flourish. In this retreat participants will uncover their blocks and obstacles, and tap into the wellspring of creative expression within to enjoy a fuller, richer life and benefit others.