Registration Now Open for Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge
June 19–July 2: Sleep of Clear Light
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for this special Summer Retreat focusing on sleep yoga. Participants are welcome to attend one or both weeks. A powerful tool for awakening, sleep yoga is more than a practice of the night. It helps us to integrate all moments — waking, sleeping, meditation and even death — with the clear light of awareness.
From The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche:
“Dream and sleep yogas are methods to recognize the clear light and abide in it through all the moments of life: waking, meditating, dreaming, sleeping, and death. Essentially, the teachings are designed to help us to recognize the nature of mind, to understand and overcome the obstacles in our practice, and to abide fully in rigpa. We can utilize the same methods to remain in joy, to find peace in the midst of the turmoil of the world, to live well, and to appreciate each vivid moment of our human existence.”
During this retreat, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach and guide us in the clear-light sleep practices of the Mother Tantra, one of the most important cycles of teachings in the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.
An important support for dzogchen practice, the sleep yoga practices bring more clarity to all experience. One performs them during normal daytime activities, during meditation practice, during preparation for sleep, and as one falls asleep. The primary goal of sleep practice is to open the door to the luminous, open awareness that is the true nature of the mind. Ultimately, the purpose is to help the practitioner attain final liberation at the time of death.
Newcomers are welcome. All will find this retreat to be a powerful support for beginning or deepening spiritual practice and for enriching their daily lives.
The early registration discount ends May 18 so reserve your spot now!