Letter from the Editors
Our Safest Haven
Dear Friends,
In this issue, read a wonderful excerpt from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's latest book, The True Source of Healing, published in July 2015 by Hay House. Rinpoche encourages us to rest in our inner refuge, our safest haven, because "As the inner refuge, you are whole and complete in each moment."
Rinpoche's ceaseless passion to share the ancient wisdom of Tibetan Bon Buddhism with an ever-growing worldwide community of practitioners has manifested once again in another beautiful way. The new Ocean of Wisdom website, a Ligmincha International project initiated last winter by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, has been launched and is gaining altitude. Read an interview with the lead volunteer on the project, Paris Smithson, about the extraordinary new ways that the website allows students from all over the world to connect with Rinpoche's teachings. The details that Paris shares include: 51 volunteers from all over the world are now working on translating the audio portion of the 147 video segments of Rinpoche's teachings that are currently archived on the website; as a result the teachings are now available to be viewed with subtitles in 10 different languages. Fantastic work! Maybe you, too, would like to be of service on this wonderful project.
We have more great articles to share. Read the good news about His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche's improved health. There are two new live webcasts right around the corner in October. Mark your calendar for October 10 and October 24 and find out the details below. Read Rob Patzig's article about the summer retreat at Chamma Ling Poland, which marked the 20th anniversary of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaching there. Upcoming retreats at Serenity Ridge through the fall and winter include the annual Fall Retreat on The Five Elements, beginning October 21, followed by an opportunity to be of service (and receive discounted fees on the retreat) with a new Fall Work Retreat – it is such a pretty time of year at Serenity Ridge, so if you can, this would be a lovely opportunity! Also, Trul Khor Part 5 Advanced Training is coming up in November. The annual Winter Retreat is December 27, 2015–January 1, 2016 on the topic of “The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 2: Introduction to the Nature of Mind,” is open to those who have received the Part 1 teachings. In January, two different Practice Retreat options are offered on the same subject. If you can't make the Winter Retreat Part 2 in December, it will be offered again on February 24–28 with Geshe Tenzin Yangton. A new GlideWing online workshop will be offered beginning November 14 on “Healing From the Source.” Have you seen the introductory video from the Sept. 12 live webcast? It's a treat for the eyes and ears – you can find the link below and enjoy! See the article with the links to the Spanish and Portuguese translations of the Voice of Clear Light August issue, and don't miss our announcement requesting international sangha members to submit articles and pictures to VOCL about their sanghas. Please find a few moments to share with all of us!
Best in Bon,
Aline and Jeff