Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 1 / February 2015

Ligmincha's Annual Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge
Registration Now Open
Why not jump-start your healing and transformation with a more concentrated retreat on Soul Retreival during this year's Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge? On April 3–5, 2015, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach on "The True Source of Healing: How The Ancient Tibetan Practice Of Soul Retrieval Can Transform And Enrich Your Life."
The practices taught in this retreat, drawn from ancient Tibetan Bon Buddhist teachings, can help you revitalize your life, experience healing on all levels, and bring increased happiness and well-being to yourself and others.
Learn more about monthly webcasts on Soul Retrieval
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a public talk on the topic of Soul Retrieval on March 31 in Charlottesville, Va., from 7–8:30 p.m.
Learn more

Summer Retreat Topic Is Dream Yoga
Registration Opens Feb. 17
Registration opens Feb. 17 for Ligmincha's Annual Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge, to be held June 21–July 4, 2015. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach on the topic of "Dream Yoga."
The practice of dream yoga deepens our awareness during all our experience. It is a powerful tool of awakening and can help us recognize the true nature of mind. This is a rare opportunity to spend two weeks in person learning and practicing dream yoga with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (who will offer two daily teachings) and the support of the sangha in the serene environment of Serenity Ridge.
You are welcome to attend one or both weeks. Serenity Ridge's annual Fundraising Auction will be held near the end of the first week, on June 26.