Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 1 / February 2015

Letter from the Editors
Recharging with Soul Retrieval in the New Year
Dear Friends,
We love to share with you all! We'll start with a beautiful line from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's upcoming book, The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life:
"Recall a moment in your life when you felt complete, satisfied, fully alive, at home in yourself. Imagine that it is possible for you to feel that way not only now and then but most of the time. This is what soul retrieval practice offers."
— Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Stay tuned for more details about Rinpoche's new book scheduled to be published in English this summer by Hay House.
Rinpoche hits the nail on the head in this issue's teaching excerpt—he tells us the key to success in bringing meditation practice fully into our lives! This edited excerpt is selected from Rinpoche's Jan. 10, 2015, webcast, “Reconnecting with Your Joyful Essence: An Introduction to the Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval.”
Don't worry if you missed this first daylong webcast event in the yearlong series on soul retrieval—you can view the recorded webcasts at these links:
- Session 1: Teaching with Rinpoche
- Session 2: Guided meditation with senior teacher Marcy Vaughn
- Session 3: Teaching with Rinpoche
- Session 4: Guided meditation with Marcy Vaughn
Also, now is an ideal time to sign up for the free Internet course related to these webcasts.
See the article below for all the details, and please be sure not to miss the Part 2 webcast on Saturday, Feb. 14, 3–4:30 p.m. Don’t forget that you need to register first—it’s really easy and it's free!
Also in this issue is an article on Losar, with details of how individual practitioners and groups may want to prepare for and participate in the worldwide celebration of the Tibetan New Year in February; information about the March retreats at Lishu Institute in Northern India; articles on upcoming Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing online courses; details on Ligmincha's upcoming Spring and Summer Retreats at Serenity Ridge; and links to the recent Ligmincha Europe Magazine and to the translated versions of the last issue of Voice of Clear Light.
Enjoy, and Happy Losar Everyone!
Aline and Jeff Fisher