Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 6 / December 2015

December 12, 2015: ‘Cutting the Root of Your Pain’
Free, Full-Day Live Webcast with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
Join us from your home computer or other device! On Saturday, December 12, you are invited to participate in a free, daylong webcast event with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and senior student Alejandro Chaoul-Reich.
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Time: 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Eastern Time U.S. (New York time)
Topic: Healing from the Source: Cutting the Root of Your Pain
Register to attend
According to the ancient dzogchen teachings of Bon Buddhism, the cause of all pain — whether emotional or physical — is ignorance of your true self. When you recognize the unbounded space that is beyond delusion, you cut pain at its root. In this free live webcast, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches and guides a meditation practice that helps you to discover and clear the mistaken sense of identity that is grasping pain, creating conflict and tension, and contributing to sickness. Senior student Alejandro Chaoul-Reich will guide two additional meditation sessions as part of the day’s event.
This webcast is Part 11 of a free yearlong course in soul retrieval and is open to all (viewing Parts 1 through 10 is not required). The course is based on Rinpoche's newly released book, The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life, Hay House, 2015.
Learn more about the yearlong course
This daylong webcast event takes place in four sessions, as shown below. All times are Eastern Time U.S. (New York time). You may attend any or all sessions.
9:00–10:30 a.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.: Guided Practice with senior student Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
1:15–2:45 p.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
3:30–4:30 p.m.: Guided Practice with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
When you register for the daylong webcast, you will automatically receive your own, unique viewing link for Session 1. For Sessions 2 through 4, look for an email 15 minutes before each session is scheduled to begin, containing your unique link for the coming session.
Register now
Group webcast viewings may be available in many locations worldwide. Contact your nearest local center or sangha to inquire about any group screenings or guided meditations they may be hosting related to this True Source of Healing course.
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, is an acclaimed author as well as a highly respected and beloved teacher to students throughout the world. He is the author of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep; Tibetan Sound Healing; Wonders of the Natural Mind; Healing With Form, Energy and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen; Unbounded Wholeness (with Anne Carolyn Klein); Awakening the Sacred Body; Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind; Awakening the Luminous Mind; and The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life.
Alejandro Chaoul-Reich is director of research for Ligmincha International, a senior student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and a teacher for the Three Doors Academy. Since 1995 he has been leading meditation and trul khor (Tibetan yoga) retreats for Ligmincha throughout the United States, Latin America and Europe.