Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 6 / December 2015

Reflections at Year’s End
A Letter from Ligmincha International President Rob Patzig
Rob Patzig
It has now been almost 18 months since Ligmincha sanghas from around the world joined together to create an international organization. In that time many things have changed, and other things have not changed. Our mission, to preserve and present the teachings of Tibetan Bon Buddhism, especially as they are taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, has not changed. MoreĀ This mission is our purpose, the reason we exist as an organization. It doesn’t change.
However, the ways in which we serve that mission do change — they evolve according to the needs of both teachers and students. An example is the online course offered this year on “Soul Retrieval.” This is the first free and the first yearlong course that Rinpoche has offered. The live teachings were supported by translations into 11 languages, and supplemental material and moderated discussion groups were provided on LigminchaLearning.com. Each month, anywhere from 540 to 1,500 computers or other devices were viewing the teachings at any given moment of the webcast. Next year we will continue to provide free, live monthly teachings with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and will look for opportunities to expand our online programming. As our world becomes more and more “virtual” we will look for opportunities to present the Bon teachings there as well.
As powerful a tool as the Internet is, though, it cannot replace the value of extended retreats and group practice. Stepping out of our daily lives and into an environment supportive of stillness, silence and spaciousness is invaluable. So is the opportunity to be surrounded by other dharma practitioners. If you have not had the opportunity to experience one of our retreats (3, 5, 7 or 14 days are offered), I strongly encourage you to attend one in 2016. Rinpoche teaches globally in many locations, and Ligmincha has retreat centers in the Mexico, Poland and the United States. See the Ligmincha International website.
Behind the scenes there has been a great deal going on within Ligmincha. At Serenity Ridge, our international headquarters and one of our five retreat centers, we are preparing for construction of a new dining hall, practice space, offices and bookstore. Construction should begin in spring 2016. Many people have been and continue to be involved in this project.
Much of what has occurred organizationally in the past year is planning and preparation for new projects. Our resident lamas are meeting regularly and reviewing the texts of all of our prayers and practices. Many of our senior teachers are now also meeting regularly, and they are working directly with Rinpoche to create new practice materials, including more online guided meditations as well as instructions on some of our main practices. We will begin to make new, revised materials available in the coming year.
None of our activities, or our support of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s activities, would be possible were it not for our amazing volunteers, including Ligmincha International Board members, who give so much of their time and effort to realize his vision for a more enlightened world. Nor would it be possible without your financial support. You can help us with the projects described in this letter and many more by making a year-end, tax-deductible (in the U.S.) contribution to Ligmincha International here. If you live outside the United States, please consider making a donation to your local sangha.
May all beings be happy. May all beings be well. May all beings benefit from the fruit of our efforts, one and all.
Yours in Bon,
Rob Patzig
President, Ligmincha International