Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 6 / December 2015

A Letter to the Sangha
Reflections and Appreciation from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Dear Sangha,
I hope that this letter finds all of you well and happy, and that your spiritual practice is developing.
As many of you know, I traveled to India in October to visit His Holiness at Menri Monastery, the dialectic school and students at Lishu Institute, and also to spend some time with the Bon students at Central University of Tibetan Studies at Sarnath, Varanasi.
Departing from my home and family in California to travel to India, I had a chance to reflect on the Bon teachings and tradition on how much has happened in all these years since my teachers first arrived in Dojani, India from Tibet. Menri Monastery has grown so much and is flourishing thanks to the unwavering and tireless support of His Holiness. The monastery now supports the education of 148 monks and 75 nuns at Menri Redna Menling Gompa, as well as 200 children. While I was there I saw my dharma sister, with whom I did Powa. She is now in her late 90s. She is one of the few alive from her generation.
After many years of planning a center that would support the education and practice of Western students of Bon, Lishu Institute opened this year, offering a three-year academic and practice program. I am pleased to see the dedication of the teachers and students there. My first few days in India were spent at Lishu, and then the students and teachers joined me for the trip to Menri.
At Menri, I spent some time with His Holiness. I offered Tse Thar (animal release ritual) for his long life. His health now is continuing to improve since I was there, and he is again joining the community and is active.
Both at Menri’s dialectic school and again at the university in Sarnath, where I traveled next, I gave a talk sharing some of my experiences of teaching in the West. I also shared my experiences of how valuable Westerners see and experience the Bon teachings.
Through the Internet courses and online webcasts, our cybersangha has developed. From so many of you I hear how these teachings and practices help and bring benefit to your life and the lives of those around you.
So many people in so many places have helped in so many ways. If I tried to name everyone, the list would be very, very long. There are many who have been active in the past. There are many of you presently active in the organization or in your sanghas in different ways. Without all of the support and assistance over all these years, the precious Bon teachings could not now reach so many people. We now have five Ligmincha retreat centers worldwide, and about 30 centers and practice groups, and six resident lamas. We have also opened the door and given support to other Bon lamas who are now teaching in the West and opening their own centers.
As I reflect on this year for our Ligmincha organization, we can celebrate many wonderful events. I named Rob Patzig as the president of Ligmincha International. I’m sure you will be hearing more from Rob and the Ligmincha International Board in this coming year as they help to guide the organization forward. This year we have shared the first yearlong webcast on Soul Retrieval. With the help of its many organizers and translators, we’ve seen these teachings translated into 12 languages. As I already mentioned, this year we welcomed our first students to Lishu. The Ocean of Wisdom website began and has continually been growing due to the dedication of a small group of people. I traveled and taught in Budapest, Hungary this year for the first time. And The Three Doors Academy in the U.S. began its third program, with the second U.S Academy graduating in spring 2015 and the third Academy beginning in the U.S. in spring 2015.
From deep in my heart I feel much appreciation for all for all the work that you are doing to support each other, and to support the preservation of the Bon teachings through your work with your sanghas, and your personal practice.
With my appreciation and blessings,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche