Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 6 / December 2015

Letter from the Editors
Gratefulness All Around
Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since the first webcast in the free, monthly soul retrieval series that Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has been offering. What a great series this has been! If you’ve missed any of the webcasts, you can find them all archived and available on Ligmincha's website, along with details about the upcoming December 12 daylong webcast on “Cutting the Root of Your Pain.” Rinpoche encouraged in his latest webcast that we all try to set aside this day in December to devote ourselves to the teachings and to practicing with the cybersangha if at all possible. What a gift to ourselves and others – a day of practice with our teacher and sangha at this busy time of year!
We have a full issue of exciting news and announcements. Read the end-of-year letters from both Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Rob Patzig, president of Ligmincha International. See the update about the improving health of His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche. In addition to the announcement about the next two soul retrieval webcasts, find out about the NEW six-month series of free webcasts announced for 2016 on the topic of “Transforming Your World Through Service.” In addition, there is the next Ligmincha Learning course, beginning in January, which focuses on the Six Lokas, as well as an article on the Ligmincha Learning's first large-scale free online course connected with the Soul Retrieval webcast series. Bravo! You can see the yearlong schedule of next year's GlideWing online workshops. There is still space available at Serenity Ridge to attend January and February Zhang Zhung retreats. Mark your calendar for the four seasonal retreats to be held at Serenity Ridge in 2016 so that you can make your plans early! Thanks to all the organizers and planners that make all of this information available to us, and of course our thanks to Rinpoche for his constant devotion to his students.
Also, there is an announcement about the new YouTube videos that Rinpoche has made on the topic of Enlightened Leadership, which is also the topic of the spring retreat for 2016. Read about the amazing lives of the two resident Bon lamas in France and Poland. And see an inspiring clip from the very first webcast in the Soul Retrieval series. Last, find the link for the beautiful Autumn issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine, and as always, the links for the translations in Spanish and Portuguese for the October issue of the Voice of Clear Light.
Love and peace,
Aline and Jeff