Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 4 / August 2015

Letter from the Editors
Newest Book by Rinpoche Is a Treasure
Dear Friends,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's new book, The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life, is truly healing. Rinpoche's teachings on the five natural elements and soul retrieval are here in print now for all of us, to help us grow, overcome difficult life challenges, revitalize our life and realize our true self. As Rinpoche writes in his book:
Soul retrieval is not a passive process. You will not retrieve your soul by sitting back and merely observing the flow of experience. At the same time, you cannot retrieve your soul by exerting effort. Basic to all the practices set out in this book is the notion of allowing. As you connect with inner stillness, silence, and spaciousness, and rest in the inner refuge, you simply allow the healing warmth that is always there to arise naturally. As this warmth arises, it energizes you, just as the heat of a stove causes the molecules of water in a teakettle to dance. The warmth of the inner refuge moves you to act for your own benefit and for the well-being of the world. As you trust in your connection to the inner refuge – to your genuine self – you are inspired to express love, compassion, joy, and equanimity to those around you.
Rinpoche's book serves as the foundation for his continuing yearlong series of monthly webcast teachings. Each live webcast is being translated simultaneously in as many as 12 languages, and now his book The True Source of Healing will support, inspire and reinforce our further understanding of these teachings, as well as strengthen our commitment to bring them directly into our lives. Be sure to order your copy of The True Source of Healing from Ligmincha's Tibet Shop. Also, be sure not to miss the next free webcast in Rinpoche's Soul Retrieval series, titled “Overcoming Loneliness: Finding the Friend Within,” scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 15, 3–4:30 p.m. Eastern Time U.S.
We have another full issue, including many special announcements! Rob Patzig was named President of Ligmincha International during the summer retreat – read the transcript of Rinpoche's address to the sangha about this, as well as Rob's article about Year One of the International Board. Mark your calendar for Aug. 15 for the next webcast – see details below. Read an excerpt from a talk that Rinpoche gave in Amsterdam in May about openness and the different options for the sangha. Following this is an article featuring reflections by a recent 3 Doors graduate in Europe. A Sangha Sharing article features photos and poetry inspired by the Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge. View Ligmincha's 2014 Annual Report, now available on the website. Serenity Ridge's Fall Retreat early-bird registration goes through Sept. 22. We announce a special teaching and empowerment on Sept. 19–20 at Serenity Ridge with Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Also the next online GlideWing course on Sound Healing begins Sept. 19. Read about how you can help in a National Research Project on Finding Faith Today by taking their survey. Thank-you’s to Vickie Walter and Vicki Wheaton in recognition of their continued great service. And finally, view the Spanish and Portuguese translations of the June VOCL.
Best in Bon,
Aline and Jeff