Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 2 / April 2015

Ligmincha's Annual Summer Retreat Is June 21–July 4
Dream Yoga: The Practice of Lucid Dreaming as a Path to Enlightenment
Ligmincha's Annual Summer Retreat on the topic of Dream Yoga with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, June 21–July 4, 2015 at Serenity Ridge, is open for registration!
It is said that the practice of dream yoga deepens our awareness during all our experience: the dreams of the night, the dreamlike experience of the day and the bardo experiences after death. Indeed, the practice of dream yoga is a powerful tool of awakening, used for hundreds of years by the great masters of the Tibetan traditions. Unlike in the Western psychological approach to dreams, the ultimate goal of Tibetan dream yoga is the recognition of the nature of mind or enlightenment itself.
You are welcome to attend one or both weeks. If you are only able to come to one week, or if you are new to the teachings of Dream Yoga, it is highly recommended that you register for the first week of the summer retreat.
Ligmincha's annual fundraising auction will be held Friday, June 26.