The 3 Doors Academy is entering its fifth year of facilitating its trainees and graduates to become aware of and express their authentic selves. This expanding openness, awareness and warmth has manifested in new (and often surprising) levels of clarity, commitment and creativity that benefit relationships with family, friends, coworkers, community and the world at large.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder of The 3 Doors, offers a brief overview of these teachings in this videotaped interview.
In the following, 3 Doors Academy graduate Renee Daily reflects on the outcome of her training.
Renee Daily
"The 3 Doors training has taught me how to be with my own pain in order to heal myself. I first had to learn to recognize my own suffering and discomfort and not be afraid of being with it. At first, just recognizing and acknowledging how my emotional distress affected me was a challenge. As deep pain began to show up in my practice it sometimes felt overwhelming. But the beauty of The 3 Doors is that you are always supported in facing whatever arises in your life. I learned meditation practices that outlined very clear steps to enable me to go safely into difficult places, to really be present and to not push anything away. I learned to welcome discomfort because the end result of going directly into pain with openness and awareness is true healing.
"As a result of my practice, under the supervision of wonderful, generous teachers and mentors, I am no longer afraid to confront issues in my life that I would not have faced in the past. I can invite them to be explored and know they will not consume me. In this process, my pain shifts in surprising ways. It is transformed into something beautiful and opens space for positive qualities to effortlessly arise. My confidence has grown as I have learned that I have the strength to face really difficult issues in my life. Shedding a lifetime of unproductive patterns has benefited not only me but also all those around me.
"In my 3 Doors training I have experienced that my own openness is my protection, as well as my gift to others. I am now able to be more present with other people's pain. I have become a Hospice volunteer, which is all the more surprising to me because of my personal experience with death in my family. To be able to sit with someone who is dying, to be available, present, and open to them without fear, is the unexpected fruit of my practice, a direct result of The 3 Doors Academy training.
"Every member of my Academy group made equally amazing discoveries and transformations in their lives. To witness and share those experiences over two and a half years has created a lifetime bond and a source of support between us like nothing I have ever experienced before. The 3 Doors training is a beautiful, beautiful opportunity and I'm so glad that I took it. I offer my deepest gratitude to all who brought it into being."
Interested in joining a 3 Doors Academy? The third U.S. Academy will begin in the United States in early April 2015. To receive notice of future Academies in the U.S. please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
The next European Academy is scheduled to begin in November 2015 and will be accepting applications through Sept. 1, 2015. Please inquire to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The Second Latin American Academy is scheduled to begin in February 2016 and is now accepting inquiries. Please send questions and requests for applications to
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