Soul Retrieval participants from around the world share their insights through poetry and photos.
This poem is by Sibylle Reuter-Beck, who lives in Murnau, a small town in the very south of Germany close to the Alps:
Do you know the silence
that takes your breath away.
Do you know the vastness
that swallows your fear.
Do you know the shiver
when your soul awakes.
You know it on that one night
that wraps you in her vast cloak
and bares your star.
And here is the original version in German:
Kennst du die Ruhe,
die dir den Atem verschlägt.
Kennst du die Weite,
die deine Angst verschlingt.
Kennst du das Schaudern,
wenn deine Seele erwacht.
Du kennst es in dieser einen Nacht,
die dich umhüllt mit ihrem weiten Kleid
und deinen Stern gebiert.
This poem is from Birrell Walsh, who lives near the beach in San Francisco. The photo was taken nearby at Ocean Beach:
Storm's Daughter
Sometimes we rest in calm seas
at ease, and warm
& sometimes we rest in storm
& storm's daughter, white water.
These two poems with artwork of the five elements are by Melissa (Storm Khandro Melissa Moon), who lives in North Devon, England:
The Five Elements
Steadfast and rooted, protective and immovable, a rock.
Navigating the wave of joy, precarious.
Wild abandon, leaping over the fire, getting lost in the sparks.
Perfection of action, beautiful music, skillfulness.
Dissolving into bliss, a full heart.
Standing your ground, staff firmly in the Earth.
Surfing the wave, followed by a large wall of water.
Leaping over the fire, soaring for a moment.
A pipe organ keeping a ball perfectly aloft.
The heart emerging from the depths of space.
This poem is by Lucinda Guinness, who lives in the very north of England, on Hadrian's Wall. The closest town is Brampton; the closest city is Carlisle in Cumbria:
The duel of the dual
is cruel to the brittle I.
The heart rolls up her sleeves
To plunge into the
difference of the sky
Where all is one,
Peace and chaos reign,
everything is born of nothing
and I must die
to be born again.
(These writings were originally posted on a discussion forum of the free yearlong Internet course on Soul Retrieval at Thanks for sharing, everyone!)
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