Voice of Clear Light
Volume 15, Number 2 / April 2015

Don't Miss the April 11 Webcast in Free, Yearlong Soul Retrieval Course
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on ‘Discovering the Deepest Needs of Your Soul’
On Saturday, April 11, 2015, 3–4:30 p.m. Eastern time U.S. (New York time), please join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche for the third in the yearlong series on Soul Retrieval: "The True Source of Healing, Part 3: "Discovering the Deepest Needs of Your Soul."
What does your soul need most in order to be healed? The stability of earth, the comfort of water, the inspiration of fire, the flexibility of air, the openness of space? In this free live webcast Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will guide you in looking closely at four aspects of your life – personal life, family life, work life and relationship with nature – to assess which elemental quality you most need at this time in order to revitalize and transform your life. Rinpoche will guide a meditation to help you connect deeply with this sense of lack and finally rest in the specific qualities you most need. This webcast introduces Part 3 of a free, yearlong course in Soul Retrieval and is open to all (viewing Parts 1 and 2 is not required).
Register now for the April 11 webcast
Learn more about the free yearlong Soul Retrieval course
Don't forget: you can review past webcasts, receive support materials and participate in multi-language discussion forums by registering for the free online Soul Retrieval course.
Mark your calendar for next month's webcast on Sat., May 9, 3-4:30 p.m. Eastern time. Part 4: "Communing with Nature to Nourish Your Soul."
Learn more