International Sangha Sharing
A Poem by Stephen Humphries
VOCL recently invited sangha to share their writings and pictures with all of us. Here is a poem by Stephen Humphries, who is 35 and lives in Thailand. In this photo, he is on a boat going to the beautiful island of Koh Chang. He says the poem reflects his recent experiences from meditation practice.
The Sky Behind
It’s like being a cat
On a thick fur rug
With many warm fingers
Gently running through
But also like floating
Balloons In warm air
Arise pins and needles
The points are alive
Television static
Each flash is wisdom
Every movement is full
With big compassion
Like a babe in swaddling
Resting in loving
A peaceful Mother’s breast
Like heroin sleep
But so fully awake
With no addiction
The infinite boundless
Fully full presence
If you’re using tension
The Contact is blurred
If relaxing too much
Still there is tension
Return to the full ground
The soil of being
Return to Gravity
No movement at all
Path of least resistance
You are like water
Find effortless balance
Tremendous stillness
You are the sky behind
All the best,