Letter from the Editors
Dear Friends,
Although we are happy to have this issue available after a lot of work by our team, we have unfortunate news about the Voice of Clear Light website. It has been hacked! Because the website version that we've been using is old, it requires major rebuilding and lots of hours of work to resolve this issue. (See the special announcement below on VOCL website help needed.) So until the new website is created, we are using Ligmincha International’s website to post this issue’s articles. We are sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience. As well, you will notice a slightly different format, but still all the great content is there, including a wonderful excerpt by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche!
It is always a joy to share with you Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s words. Here are a few gems from his book Awakening the Luminous Mind shining rays of light along the path. Enjoy!
Rinpoche’s vision continues to manifest in many new ways, including having a resident lama, Geshe Tenzin Yangton, at Serenity Ridge. Read about Geshe Yangton’s plans and please join us in making him feel welcome!
We have new live webcasts with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to announce, so be sure to see the schedule of new dates. Don’t miss the next webcast on June 8. You can also learn more about the story behind the webcasts and how they continue to evolve and grow, and also how you may be able help.
It never ceases to amaze us how much there is to report within just two months! We have articles featuring an update on Serenity Ridge’s new resident lama, Ligmincha’s international resident lamas participating in the Summer Retreat, Lishu Institute, The 3Doors Academy, Ligmincha Texas’ 20th anniversary, new online courses through both Ligmincha Learning and GlideWing, the link to the latest Spanish translation of VOCL, recent results about Tibetan yoga and cancer research, a YouTube video link of teachings on Sherap Chamma given by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in Mexico and an inspired poem featured in our Sangha Sharing column. Remember, you, too, can share your writing, poetry or pictures! Please submit them to us at
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In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher