Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2014

Congratulations to First Graduates!
European Three Doors Academy
Congratulations to the first class of graduates of Europe's Three Doors Academy! The Three Doors Academy in Europe met for their final retreat in Germany with their teachers John Jackson and Raven Lee. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche joined the group especially for this graduation ceremony.
The final retreat, held March 24-29, 2014, near Goldberg, Germany, was the culmination of two and a half years of intense inner work by the trainees.
John Jackson explains The Three Doors Academy as a program designed to support individuals' deep processing, change and inner growth through a series of secular meditations on body, speech and mind. Participants use these practices to transform themselves in three dimensions: their relation to their work, their relation to their family and their relation to themselves. Over the course of the program, trainees journal 63 transformations in these three categories, while practicing daily and periodically enjoying solitary practice retreats.
You can read more about this final retreat and what it means to be a Three Doors Academy graduate from John Jackson, one of The Three Doors teachers.