Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2014

New Bon Stupa in Mexico
Consecration Ceremony Held on March 22 & 23, 2014
The new Bon Stupa is in the town of Lerdo, Durango (near Torreon, Mexico). Its purpose is to bring peace to the region and all sentient beings who reside there. The recent consecration ceremony was held on March 22 and 23. Emaho!
We share below the English translation of the announcement inviting everyone to the consecration ceremony for the new Stupa, a special event in which Geshe Nyima Kunchap, Lama Kalsang Nyima and Yungdrung Lodoe attended. Thanks for translating, Lourdes!
Stupa for Peace
Lerdo de Durango, Mexico
Mexico is indeed a privileged place. Conditions for practicing Dharma keep on developing and the teachings manifesting, this time as a Stupa: this incredible and powerful symbol of the mind of the Buddha.
I proudly share with you that this Tibetan year 2141, year of the Wood Horse, thanks to the generosity and determination of some Friends from Torreon (Mexico) sangha, we will have the third Mexican Bon Stupa.
In the village of Lerdo, state of Durango, about 75 minutes from Torreon, is located Nirvana Organic Farm. This is the place where the third Mexican Bon Stupa is located. The farm is part of the protected natural reservoir of the Fernandez ravine.
The purpose of the Stupa is to bring peace to the region and the country, and to all sentient beings who inhabit here. We all know that its benefits do not end there. Through its power and the power of our practice as practitioners, the blessings go beyond all limits, and spread throughout the world.
We hope that this Stupa, as well as the others, becomes a live monument of practice, devotion and blessings.
The Stupa is 12 meters in height and its base is 6.50 square meters. Inside there´s a small gompa which soon will have a mandala, to be painted by Lama Kalsang Nyima and Yungdrung la.
On March 22 and 23, the Stupa will be consecrated by Geshe Nyima Kunchab, Lama Kalsang Nyima and Yungdrung Lodro.
We are all invited! Let´s join this consecration on March 23, and give this Mexican Stupa space in our hearts, and honor from now on Buddha´s mind, peace, our Teachers and the Bon tradition.
Thanks to the buddhas, bodhisattvas and our teachers!
Thank you, Lama Tenzin Wangyal!
Thank you, Torreon sangha!
Thanks to you we can witness the manifestation of the strength and presence of Bon in Mexico.
In Bon,
Wojtek Plucinski