Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2014

Registration for Buddhism & Science Conference, Other Retreats Opens Soon
Register Early and Save on Cost of Retreat
Registration opens soon for Ligmincha Institute's annual Buddhism & Science Conference, Fall Retreat and other upcoming retreats. Register early to get a discount on the cost of the retreat!
Registration opens April 22 for:
• Oct. 7–9 Special Conference: New Dialogs Between Buddhism & Science—Pathways to a Healthy Mind with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and renowned researchers. Be part of the growing dialog between Buddhism and science as presenters and participants explore the impact of contemplative meditation practices on behavior and the mind/brain. Begins the evening of Oct. 7.
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• Oct. 10–12 Fall Retreat: The Healing Power of Primordial Awareness with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. At the core of the dzogchen teachings is the view that all sentient beings are primordially pure, perfected, and have the potential to spontaneously manifest in beneficial ways. Rinpoche invites participants to engage in the practice of meditation and reflection to discover the jewel that is hidden in your ordinary experiences and to recognize the opportunities for healing that life presents.
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Registration opens April 24 for:
• Oct. 31–Nov. 2: The Sacred Body in the Bon Tradition—Spiritual Guidance from Tsa Lung Sol Dep with H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche. Menri Lopon will teach the five tsa lung movements, supported by a teaching prayer from the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition, to help alleviate physical distractions, emotional blocks, energetic or mental disturbances, or other obstacles to your practice.
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Registration opens April 29 for:
• Dec. 27, 2014–Jan. 1, 2015 Winter Retreat: The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 1—Ngondro, with Geshe Tezin Wangyal Rinpoche. The first in a special yearly five-part series of Tibetan Bon Buddhist dzogchen teachings, the ngondro offer instructions for taming, purifying and perfecting oneself. Part 1: Ngondro is a prerequisite for further study of the Experiential Transmission series.
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