Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2014

Recent March Webcast on Raising Your Windhorse –Good Fortune for the New Year
Celebrating Both Old and New!
On March 2, 2014, Tenzin Rinpoche marked the start of the Tibetan New Year, Losar, by giving a live webcast across the Internet and world, describing the traditional Tibetan practice of raising one's personal power and good fortune, or lung-ta.
The ancient practices and rituals of Losar that Rinpoche shared during the live webcast were streamed through cyberspace and viewed in at least 27 countries! There were 625–650 computers logged in to the webcast through uStream/Ligmincha, and as many as 126 computers on the Spanish translation. In many cases the numbers were actually much higher as there were often several or more people gathered together at a single computer.
Two wonderful examples of such groups assembling to view last month's webcasts occurred in Mexico. For the first time ever, a group of students had a chance to connect to Rinpoche's webcast while they were all gathered inside the Great Bon Stupa for World Peace in Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo, thanks to the great technical assistance of Salvador Espinosa. What a great symbol of Rinpoche's merging of this ancient Bon wisdom tradition with the 21st century! The other gathering that we'd like to mention occurred during the March 9 Zhine webcast when a group of 50 students and practitioners gathered in Torreon Mexico to watch Rinpoche's live video while listening to the Spanish translation site. Thanks so much to Lourdes Hinojosa and to Polly Turner!
Thanks to the generosity of so many volunteer translators, the Losar webcast with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche was simultaneously translated into as many as 12 languages: Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
We are so proud of all those who are making these cyber-connections a reality. May all of the varied connections to the teachings continue to grow and deepen!
View the March 2 webcast on Raising Your Windhorse
View recordings of all of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's free live webcasts