Voice of Clear Light
Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2014

Letter from the Editors
Several New Upcoming Webcasts
Dear Friends,
We are happy to announce five new free live webcasts to be given by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche over the next few months. There will be two in April, one in May and two in June. It's wonderful that following the two live webcasts last month, Rinpoche now plans to offer five new webcasts in the next few months ahead. And it's through the aid of many volunteers that he's able to make that happen, given his busy schedule.
Our first article in this issue gives an idea of the breadth and scope of the efforts of so many students to stream Rinpoche's teachings live all around the world. We are all grateful for Rinpoche's dedication to sharing the teachings this way and enabling more people to connect to them through cyberspace. If you missed the recent March webcasts you can view those recordings at this link.
Indeed, this issue is full of news and announcements! Included are articles announcing the upcoming webcasts, as well as the new retreats opening soon for registration; features on the upcoming Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge, including articles on the new addition of days of silence during each week of the retreat, the summer work retreat and the annual fundraising auction, as well as an article about Ligmincha's internship program; announcements on the upcoming GlideWing workshop and a new Ligmincha Learning course; links to some great pictures of Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche; news about the new Bon Stupa consecration in Mexico and a presentation by Ligmincha's Director of Research Alejandro Chaoul-Reich; an article on becoming a geshe by Raven Cypress Wood shared on Ligmincha's Facebook; an article on the first European graduates of The Three Doors Academy; the latest Spanish translation of the February issue of VOCL; upcoming retreats and more!
In addition to our wonderful cyberspace connections, we remind folks of other ways we can all connect, share and learn from each other. We have a Ligmincha's Facebook page as well as Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Facebook page.
We also have the Sangha Sharing feature in Voice of Clear Light. We invite you to consider sharing your voice in VOCL. Readers have told us they enjoy the Sangha Sharing feature and we would love to include your writing, poetry and pictures. Specifically, we would love to hear about your experience with the webcasts, or at a recent retreat, or send us a picture that you captured that says a thousand words. Thanks everyone for sharing! (Send your writing or pictures to Aline and Jeff at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher