Voice of Clear Light
Volume 13, Number 5 / October 2013

Trul Khor Training: Oct. 31–Nov. 3, 2013, at Serenity Ridge
Advancing in the Training: Tibetan Bon Yoga, Part 3, with Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
For those who have done Parts 1 and 2 of the Tibetan Bon yoga as taught at Ligmincha Institute’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center and Chamma Ling Colorado Retreat Center since 2009, we will be continuing with the training this November and completing it next year.
Come and renew or continue your training in the ancient practice of yoga (trul khor) from the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet as you explore the body’s energetic dimensions and integrate the practice with everyday life.
Alejandro Chaoul-Reich will conduct the training on the contemplative physical movements of Tibetan Bon yoga, which enable participants to enter all three doors (body, speech/energy and mind) at once through a single practice and to deepen their connection to the inner refuge.
As participants move into the completion part of the training (parts 3 and 4), Part 3 will focus on polishing what was learned in the first two parts, strengthening preparatory breathing, deepening our meditative movements (tsa lung) to include inner and secret aspects, and expanding yoga practice with new sets of movements from the ancient oral tradition of the Zhang Zhung. Part 4, the completion, will take place in 2014, with Tenzin Rinpoche giving a talk to the group, either in person or by webcast.