Voice of Clear Light
Volume 13, Number 5 / October 2013

‘Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas’
Register for Oct. 26–Dec. 14 Ligmincha Online Workshop
Ligmincha Learning will offer a seven-week online course, “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas,” from Oct. 26–Dec. 14, 2013. The seven-week course will give participants a thorough introduction to the Six Lokas practice of the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition.
At one time or another each of us suffers strong emotions that throw us off balance, cause us to act in ways that we later regret and make us lose touch with our true nature. Centuries ago the masters of the Bon lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas specifically to remedy this situation, to help us live our lives in a balanced and relaxed way.
The course includes original teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha Institute. Rinpoche also leads guided meditations that focus on the root causes of our suffering: anger, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and laziness. The practices have a deep healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced at length as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.
In addition to video teachings and guided meditations, the course features readings, journal writing activities and weekly online discussions with classmates from around the world facilitated by John Jackson, director of the Chamma Ling Colorado retreat center.