Photograph by Mary Ellen McCourt
Dear Friends,
We are happy to share in this issue an excerpt from oral teachings given by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 2012 on the “Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind.” These truly exceptional teachings were given over a weekend retreat in Pacific Palisades, Calif., and are available as an edited transcript. We’d like to thank Rinpoche for his clear, detailed explanations of the Three Doors and Three Refuges. Thanks also to a great team that worked to make this transcript come into being: Ken Okuno for his recording work, Jane Goe and Mark Hammons for their transcribing work, Marcy Vaughn for editing the transcript, Mary Ellen McCourt for text and cover design, and Bob Anger for coordinating the retreat.
Be sure to check out all the latest news and happenings featured in this issue:
These are just a few of the numerous and varied opportunities available to connect to the Bon Buddhist teachings—simply amazing and wonderful. Rinpoche’s webcasts and Internet teachings are reaching many people who are unable to make it to retreats. Inspiring to us is the number of people working together in countless ways to help bring the wisdom of this great Bon tradition to such wide audiences around the world, and we continue to enjoy our small role in sharing some of that wisdom here in Voice of Clear Light. Emaho!
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher