Teachings Issue
Volume 13, Number 3 / June 2013

Letter from the Editors
Teachings on Impermanence!
Hello Everyone,
Thank you, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Marcy Vaughn, for the wonderful teaching excerpt below taken from Rinpoche’s recent Spring Retreat at Serenity Ridge on “Embracing Impermanence.” Such a beautiful teaching and practice. We hope you all enjoy it!
And we have other news, as well, of an impermanent nature. On behalf of Rinpoche and Ligmincha’s Board of Directors, we would like to thank Dave Liden, who has retired as Ligmincha’s webmaster. Dave has been the webmaster for Ligmincha since 2007. He also created the VOCL website and has helped in the planning stages of the new website for Ligmincha. Dave has been invaluable to Ligmincha and has always been there to help with any problem or need that arose. He was devoted and tireless in his efforts in this volunteer role. Jeff and I also were lucky to have him help us when we first started sending our fancy email VOCL a few years ago. Thanks, Dave and all the best wishes!
And now we welcome Ligmincha’s new volunteer friends who have taken on website responsibilities. Cynthia Allison is Ligmincha Institute’s new webmaster and Mark Hammons is webmaster for VOCL. It’s great to have you both on board!
Summer will be a busy time at Ligmincha Institute at Serenity Ridge, as you can see in the articles below. We encourage you, if you can, to attend the annual Summer Retreat, which will include a special visit from His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche; participate in the special fundraising banquet to benefit Tibetan orphans supported by His Holiness; and to attend or contribute to Ligmincha Institute’s annual fundraising auction.
Be sure to read on as there is more news, many great retreat offerings, webcasts and online workshops announced below!
Happy summer, and best wishes to you all,
Aline and Jeff