Voice of Clear Light
Volume 13, Number 1 / February 2013

New! Six Lokas Online Workshop Begins April 14
Seven-Week Course on Transforming Our Emotions
Ligmincha’s new online workshop “Transforming Our Emotions Through the Six Lokas” will begin Sunday, April 14, and run through Saturday, June 1, 2013. This seven-week online course includes:
- Teaching Videos—Receive original teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche created especially for this course.
- Guided Meditation Videos—Engage with guided meditations led by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in your own home.
- Meditation Assignments—Experience improvement in your daily life through formal and informal practices designed for each part of the course.
- Personal Journal—Develop your experiences and insights through daily journaling tracking your transformational journey.
- Online Discussions—Contribute to a global discussion with your classmates facilitated by John Jackson, director of the Chamma Ling Retreat Center.
Centuries ago the masters of the Bon lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas to help us deal with emotions that throw us off balance and cause us to lose touch with our true nature. The training can help participants us live in a more balanced and relaxed way.
The meditations focus on the root causes of suffering: anger, desire, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and laziness. Through each meditation participants examine habitual patterns to recognize, purify and transform them. The practices have a deep healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced at length as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.
Learn more