Voice of Clear Light
Volume 13, Number 1 / February 2013

Ligmincha’s International Website Up and Running!
Our Door to Connect Ligmincha’s Centers and Sanghas Worldwide
Please be sure to check out Ligmincha’s new international website. It’s really a beautiful site and a way for everyone to stay in touch worldwide. Many thanks to all those who are making it happen!
Ligmincha.org, formerly the site for Ligmincha Institute and Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, is now your entryway to Ligmincha International, which contains information of interest to the international community and is a way to connect all of Ligmincha’s worldwide centers and sanghas.
A separate website for Serenity Ridge features much of the same information that you have been accustomed to seeing on our website over the past several years. You also can link to the Serenity Ridge website from the Ligmincha International homepage.