Voice of Clear Light
Volume 13, Number 1 / February 2013

A Letter from VOCL Editors
Wishes for a Happy Losar!
Hello and Happy Losar Everyone!
Feb. 11 began the Tibetan Year of the Water Snake. Tashi Delek!
Of special note:
- Our sangha in Mexico is happy to announce that the VOCL will soon be coming to them in Spanish, thanks to Lourdes Hinojosa. We welcome her to the VOCL team and look forward to seeing her beautiful work manifest. More details to come!
- The VOCL team’s copy editor, Vickie Walter, is now the new Communications Director for Serenity Ridge. She has been working closely with Polly Turner, who recently retired as Communication Director. (Polly continues to work with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Ligmincha in a number of areas.)
- Have you seen the new Ligmincha International Website? It’s beautiful, user friendly and offers us all a taste of Rinpoche’s worldwide sangha and the connection that we all share. See more below and be sure to visit the website.
- Please enjoy the edited excerpt below from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s oral teachings on the Six Lamps during last summer’s retreat at Serenity Ridge.
In Bön,
Aline and Jeff Fisher