Photograph by Mary Ellen McCourt
Dear Friends,
We hope you all are having a happy summer! Happy summers for us include being able to attend the annual Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and we were fortunate to be there for the first week of this year's retreat. It was oh so special this year, because the retreat included a visit by His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, spiritual head of the Bon tradition, and he positively glowed.
Enjoy the beautiful pictures and videos that we are able to share in this issue. They’ll hopefully give you a taste of some of the magic of being up on Serenity Ridge during those three wonderful weeks of Summer Retreat. You’ll also enjoy two new YouTube videos from the July 6 all-day webcast from that retreat. Also included in this issue: Ligmincha’s annual report; news of Tenzin Rinpoche’s Fellowship Award; upcoming webcast teachings—the next webcast is Oct. 12; upcoming online course on creativity in September; special Fall Retreat offerings at Serenity Ridge, including a weekend retreat with Menri Lopon; the Third Annual Buddhism and Science Conference, to be followed by the annual Fall Retreat. And that’s not all—we’ve just received a special article from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in which he explains his commitment to the annual Nonsectarian Conference that was most recently held this past June in California. Also, be sure to see the links to the Spanish translation of the June VOCL and to the new summer issue of Ligmincha Europe Magazine, plus the latest news from Alejandro Chaoul-Reich’s research team about the effects of Tibetan sound meditation on cancer patients.
Enjoy this issue and best wishes!
Aline and Jeff Fisher