Announcements Issue
Volume 13, Number 2 / April 2013

‘The Nine Ways of Bon’ Weekend Retreat April 27–28
Join John Jackson at Ligmincha’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
Join John Jackson for a weekend at Serenity Ridge as he uses the structure of the Nine Ways of Bon—the first cycle of Tonpa Shenrab's teachings—to explore a broad range of teachings and meditation methods within the tradition.
Participants will explore the ancient causal view of Bon, which includes practices ranging from medicine and astrology to divination and supplication of nature spirits; and the views and methods of sutra, the path of renunciation; tantra, the path of transformation; and dzogchen, the "great perfection," the ultimate view in the Bon tradition, also known as the path of self-liberation. All of the methods of the Nine Ways complement one another, and each forms a complete path. Practices and meditations will accompany teachings on the various views.
John Jackson, director of Chamma Ling Retreat Center near Crestone, Colo. and co-leader of The Three Doors Academy of Europe, is a professor at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and has taught meditation at Serenity Ridge and related centers across the United States and Europe since 2001.