Teaching Issue
Volume 12, Number 5 / October 2012

Opening the Door of Speech
An Excerpt from Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
In both dzogchen and the higher tantras, it is agreed that there is no way to experience space, the essence, the ultimate wisdom, through intellectual means alone. The more you think and analyze, the less likely it is that you will have the experience that is beyond all concepts and dualistic thinking. When you connect with sound, you are preparing More>

View Recent and Upcoming Online Teachings
Webcasts, Interactive Course With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Join Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche online for a workshop on Tibetan Sound Healing Nov. 10–Dec. 2, 2012, and view a live webcast and dzogchen meditation Dec. 12. You also can view online Rinpoche's Oct. 9 public talk and Oct. 13 broadcast during the fall retreat. More>

'The Great Perfection of Creativity'
Rinpoche Featured in November 2012 Shambhala Sun
Be sure to get a copy of November’s Shambhala Sun magazine to read a wonderful article by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on creativity.

A Video Montage
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in Olympia
View a video montage of beautiful photographs taken of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche during his 2011 Soul Retrieval teachings in Olympia, Wash. Rinpoche returns to Olympia Nov. 16–18, 2012, to teach the practice of Dream Yoga.

A Dialog on Dark Retreat
Video Features Tenzin Rinpoche at 2008 Festival
Still timely is this interesting dialog between Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and R. Clay Reid, Harvard professor of neurobiology, about the "dark retreat" and sensory deprivation as a means of stimulating the brain. The 2008 dialog was part of the Brainwave Festival held by the Rubin Museum of Art, in New York City.

Alejandro Chaoul-Reich on PBS Video
Senior Student of Rinpoche Discusses Tibetan Yoga, Meditation and More
Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, a senior student of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, shares with PBS his perspectives on Tibetan yoga and Tibetan meditation, his research in integrative medicine and more. He is featured in the Sept. 25, 2012, Houston PBS video.
This November 1–4, Alejandro will be at Serenity Ridge teaching a Part 2 retreat on Tibetan Yoga. (Prerequisite for Part 2: All who have received the Part 1 teachings of Trul Khor since Jan. 1, 2000, are invited to participate.)

New Issue Now Online!
Ligmincha Europe Magazine—Fall 2012
Hot off the presses! Beautiful new edition, easy to download or read online. Included in this issue: Ligmincha International meeting; meet the Danish sangha; online course with Rinpoche; magical movements of Trul Khor; and much more.

Reflections in the Mirror
Recent Images From Facebook
Enjoy these snapshots of Rinpoche during his travels in September and October 2012.
A View From the Ridge
Time-Lapse Video During Fall Retreat
This beautiful short video by Brian Harris offers a slice of life from the recent fall retreat at Serenity Ridge. "A View From the Ridge" includes Brian's time-lapse photography as well as his own original improvisational music. Thanks, Brian, for sharing.
View video
Upcoming Retreats
Ligmincha’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center
The retreats described below will take place at Serenity Ridge, Ligmincha Institute’s retreat center in Nelson County, Va. To register or for more information, click on the links below, or contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 434-263-6304.
Nov. 1–4, 2012
Tibetan Yoga, Part 2
With Alejandro Chaoul-Reich
Prerequisite: This retreat is open to students who have attended the Part 1 teachings of Trul Khor (Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu cycle) at any time since Jan. 1, 2000.
Learn more or register
Nov. 10–11, 2012
Beginner’s Mind—Starting a Meditation Practice
With John Jackson
A new, two-day beginner's meditation retreat with John Jackson.
Learn more or register
Dec. 27, 2012–Jan. 1, 2013
Winter Retreat 2012: Experiential Transmission, Part 5
Dzogchen Teachings With Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Prerequisite: Participants must have received the teachings for Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung in order to attend these Part 5 teachings.
Learn more or register
To register for any of the above retreats, or for more information about teachings in the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 434-263-6304, or visit the Ligmincha Institute website.