Upcoming Online Workshops With Rinpoche
Including a Seven-Week Course on the Five Elements
Beginning June 9: “The Nature of Mind: Achieving Great Bliss Through Pure Awareness,” a three-week online course in Tibetan meditation, will take place with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. In this workshop Tenzin Rinpoche will instruct and guide the practice of the Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen, a revered Tibetan Bon dzogchen meditation master who lived in the eighth century A.D. This ancient teaching offers pith instructions for a meditation practice that guides one to enter a state of pure awareness that can lead to peace, joy and ultimately the great bliss of self-realization.
More information/Watch introductory video
Starting July 4: Ligmincha Institute is pleased to offer a seven-week online course, “Introduction to the Five Elements: Healing With Form, Energy and Light.” The course will take place from July 4 through Aug. 28, 2012. It is based on a series of instructional videos in which Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explores how each of the five natural elements—earth, water, fire, air and space—relates to our daily experiences, emotions and relationships.
For each element Rinpoche guides a meditation designed to help you clear your obstacles and bring balance to your life. Throughout the course participants will view videos of Rinpoche’s teachings and guided meditations, read assigned pages from Rinpoche’s book Healing With Form, Energy and Light, and complete assignments for journal writing, discussion, and formal and informal meditation practice. The course is designed so that you may integrate study and practice into your everyday routine, learning at your own pace while enjoying the support of classmates and the course mentor, John Jackson.
This course is offered through Tibetan Meditation: Online Meditation Instruction from Ligmincha Institute. Over time we plan to develop and offer on this site a broad curriculum of educational materials related to Tibetan Bon Buddhism, including courses encompassing the causal vehicle, sutra, tantra and dzogchen. We also will provide free educational materials through this site, including short transcripts from retreats, book excerpts and videos.
To learn more about the five elements teachings, see Healing With Form, Energy and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra and Dzogchen, by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Mark Dahlby, Ed. Snow Lion Publications, 2002. Available for online purchase from Ligmincha Institute’s Bookstore and Tibet Shop.
For full information about this online course, visit the Tibetan Meditation site.