New Online Offerings!
Don’t Miss These Upcoming Webcasts, Workshop, Radio Interview
Great news—because of the generous contributions recently given to Ligmincha, the teaching hall at Serenity Ridge will soon be wired for Internet access. The next scheduled webcast will be Saturday, April 14, from 4:30–6 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time U.S. (New York time). It will be broadcast live during an afternoon teaching by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at the spring retreat, "Bring Your Life into Bloom: Exploring the Creative Process." This will be the first time our online audience will have a taste of Rinpoche’s teachings in a retreat environment. (To attend the full retreat in person, register soon. Early-bird deadline is Feb. 29.) Rinpoche’s next webcast follows soon after, on Tuesday, April 17, when he broadcasts live from a free public talk offered in partnership with Unity Church in Charlottesville, Va.
Learn more about the webcasts and enter the broadcast page
A brand-new four-week interactive online course in Tibetan Dream Yoga begins March 3. It includes personal guidance and support throughout from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Online workshops have been life-changing for many participants, based on their feedback and forum messages; and over and over we hear longtime practitioners new to Rinpoche saying that they are finally "getting it" after practicing with his workshop videos. There is an increasingly close-knit international sangha whose members have met each other only through corresponding and practicing together in these online workshops. Learn more about the new Tibetan Dream Yoga workshop
Beginning March 13, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will be the featured speaker of the week at Sounds True Radio. Starting that day you can go to the Sounds True website (click on “Interviews”) to listen to the podcast of his full interview. Sounds True tells us that Rinpoche will be speaking about his background and history, what he practices as a teacher and how he has modified his teachings for Westerners.
Did you know? Two of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s recorded live webcast teachings continue to hold the top two spots among the most-watched Buddhist recorded webcasts of all time on the uStream.tv broadcast service. Twelve of his recorded webcasts are among the top 30. See for yourself here.