Voice of Clear Light
Volume 12, Number 6 / December 2012

Three Doors Opportunity
Still Time to Join U.S. Academy
Did you miss the beginning of The Three Doors Academy this past October and feel a longing to join? There is a special opportunity this February to do just that.
The Three Doors is happy to announce an Entry-Level Retreat, scheduled for Feb. 20-24, 2013, at Serenity Ridge for anyone interested in joining the U.S. Academy that began in October 2012. Marcy Vaughn will be presenting this opportunity. She and Gabriel Rocco are the teachers for the U.S. Academy. This is the last scheduled Academy in the U.S. at this time. For this reason we are offering people the opportunity to attend the Entry-Level Retreat, joining the Academy for duration of its 2½-year program. Those who are interested in attending will need to complete the full application process. Space is limited to ensure the quality of the Academy experience.
A TASTE of The Three Doors is coming to Mexico City Feb. 23–24, 2013. This two-day seminar, presented by Laura Shekerjian and Kallon Basquin, will offer a taste of the simple, direct, meditative practices of body, speech and mind. Within a supportive environment, you are invited to reflect upon everyday experiences and learn to see personal challenges as opportunities for transformation. In this way, the jewel that is hidden in your ordinary experience becomes revealed and the profound gifts of this inner refuge—spaciousness, awareness and warmth—bring healing and benefit to you, your relationships with others and the greater world. This is an introductory experience for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Everyone is welcome.