Voice of Clear Light
Volume 12, Number 6 / December 2012

Update on the New Ligmincha Website
Your Doorway to All of Ligmincha’s Worldwide Activities
Come the start of the New Year, the face of Ligmincha's website will change. At that time, Ligmincha.org will be the homepage of Ligmincha International—your entryway not just to Serenity Ridge, but to all of Ligmincha's worldwide centers and sanghas.
A separate website for Serenity Ridge, featuring much of the same information currently on the Ligmincha website, will be available in January and can be accessed through the new Ligmincha International homepage.
This new international website is being designed at a minimal cost, mostly through volunteer efforts. Spearheading the project are Lutz and Bogusia Dausend, with the assistance of Dave Liden, Polly Turner, Sue Davis-Dill, Zeyno Dodd, Bo Holland and Oliver Wirtz.
Created in Stages
As this is a big project, the website is being created in stages.
• Stage 1: You'll have access to most of the same information found on our current website, including details about Ligmincha Institute, Bon Buddhism and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, plus prominent links to the websites of Serenity Ridge and the Chamma Ling retreat centers in Mexico, Poland and the United States. International news will be featured on the homepage. You'll also see a new and improved Ligmincha Institute Bookstore & Tibet Shop at LigminchaStore.org.
• Stage 2: A special "Find a Center or Sangha" page will offer links to information about all Ligmincha centers, sanghas and practice groups worldwide. New websites will be created for Ligmincha Germany and Ligmincha U.S. as pilots for the design of other Ligmincha websites.
• Stage 3: Primary information on the Ligmincha International website will be translated into a variety of languages, to further increase access to teachings worldwide. We also plan to include information about all worldwide retreats and sangha activities. Over time, Ligmincha International hopes to assist every center, sangha and practice group worldwide in developing an integrated Web presence accessible through the new Ligmincha.org homepage.
Don't Lose Your Personal Data
The current Ligmincha website will no longer be accessible after Dec. 31. Therefore, if you are a registered user of Ligmincha.org, consider logging in to your account now to retrieve from your profile any information you might need for future use of our site.
Specifically, your profile may include information about transmissions you have received during past retreats. That information will be necessary for ordering restricted items from the Tibet Shop, or for registering for a retreat that requires a prerequisite.
We're excited about the new website. Not only will it increase access to the Bon Buddhist teachings, it is also being designed to make future upgrades much easier and less time-consuming.
More information will be coming soon!