Sangha Sharing
More Glimpses of Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge
Students share some writings and photos inspired by this summer's retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Thanks everyone for sharing!
(Editors' Note: For those of you who haven't heard, a huge windstorm (derecho) swept across the Eastern U.S., including Serenity Ridge, at the end of the first week of summer retreat. There were power outages and felled trees all across seven states, and up on Serenity Ridge everyone pitched in afterward to clean up trees and debris. The next morning, with bright blue cloudless skies outside the gompa, Rinpoche led us in the most amazing Refuge Ceremony!)
Beth Ross Johnson from Cullowhee, N.C., shares some photographs of the storm's aftermath.
Gerry Heikes from Crestone, Co., shares a photograph taken after the storm clean-up. (Gerry was a big part of the clean-up after the storm. Thanks from all of us, Gerry!)
Dorrie Ameen from New York shares two photographs from the second week. They were taken on the afternoon of July 4—first an incredible downpour, like the kind in old Japanese movies, and then the rainbow, just on the slope down from the right side of the gompa. Such magic.
Duncan Lewis from Rural Hall, N.C., shares a poem he wrote after the storm on the last day of week one. Duncan said that while in the pool gathering leaves and branches that had fallen, a big, beautiful bullfrog appeared in the pool. They tried to catch it multiple times, but to no avail. Then, suddenly, the bullfrog swam straight toward Duncan and settled calmly on his chest. They were then able to release it back into the woods.
"after the big wind"
the pool is covered with leaves
skimming clearing
pushing up dead leaves from below
clarity is revealed
a frog swims straight to the heart chakra:
Rita Tamburrino from Philadelphia, Pa., shared these words about her experience at the summer retreat.
Thank you Rinpoche for your vision, dedication and heart.
Your instruction is clear:
If you're not experiencing the three kayas everywhere,
One of the Lamps is out.
Go back inside; Connect, Abide and Integrate!