Letter From the Editors
Great News!
Dear Friends,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has a new book! Seven years in the making, Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech and Mind will be released in a few days by Snow Lion Publications and is available now for preorder in the Tibet Shop. We have included a brief excerpt in this issue and wanted to let you know to also keep an eye out for Snow Lion Magazine, which will feature an excerpt from the new book on the front page of its fall issue. (To view the most recent issue, go to www.snowlionpub.com and click on “Snow Lion Magazine” at the top of the page.) Polly Turner, longtime student and the communications director at Ligmincha Institute, edited the book and worked closely with Rinpoche on it over the past several years as a true labor of love.
As you’ll see below, there’s quite a lot going on this month! Rinpoche’s two live Internet talks and upcoming teachings at Serenity Ridge with H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, head teacher (Lopon) of Menri Monastery. There are also two online workshops with Tenzin Rinpoche starting this month:
• Oct. 8-29, 2011 — Tibetan Sound Healing
• Oct. 15 - Dec. 3 — Introduction to the Five Elements: Healing With Form, Energy and Light
Once again we would like to thank all of you who have shared your experiences, writings and photographs through VOCL. This issue includes a brief but powerful sharing about trul khor (Tibetan yoga). VOCL would like to invite you to consider sharing in the Voice your personal heart experiences from any of the upcoming retreats. To email us your writings or photographs, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
In Bon,
Aline and Jeff Fisher
Editors, Voice of Clear Light