New Names for Ligmincha’s Worldwide Centers
A Letter From Rinpoche
Dear Sangha,
Because of the enthusiasm of my students, many centers and sanghas have formed all over the world. This growth has happened very quickly. Every one of these organized efforts is important to help us preserve and share the teachings of the Bon tradition. In the beginning the names of the centers and sanghas were not so well thought out; for example, some were called Garuda, others Bon Garuda, and still others Garuda Bon. After reflecting for a long time on this, I have decided to standardize the names.
From now on, all organized sanghas will have the name Ligmincha followed by the geographic location; for example, Ligmincha Houston and Ligmincha Germany. We are all one sangha, and so it makes sense for these groups to have one name, similar to the networks of international centers and dharma groups of Rigpa and Shambhala.
In addition, all current and future residential retreat centers will be called Chamma Ling, also followed by the name of the location — for example, Chamma Ling Colorado and Chamma Ling Poland. The only exceptions are Serenity Ridge, our retreat center in Virginia, and Lishu Institute in India, both of which will keep their current names.
Each center and sangha will continue to function as an independent entity. I have asked each of them to set up their own Facebook pages.
My wish is that as our sanghas expand, this growth will happen in a cohesive way so we can continue to connect and support each other in the best ways possible.
With my love and blessings,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche