Live Webcast This Sunday With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Special Invited Guest: His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizen
A very special Internet event — please join us from your computer this Sunday, June 26, at 12 noon Eastern time (New York time) for a live Webcast with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Rinpoche will teach and guide a healing meditation. For our Internet audience only.
Special guest invited!
Rinpoche plans to invite His Holiness Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, spiritual leader of the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet, to join him in this Webcast for a very rare appearance. On behalf of the entire international community, we are grateful for this potential opportunity to receive the prayers and blessings of the 33rd Menri Trizen for the first time via one of our live Webcasts. Please be sure to let others worldwide know about this event so they may benefit, as well.
Learn more / enter the broadcast site >
About the Webcast
Tenzin Rinpoche invites everyone to reflect beforehand on a persistent pain or obstacle (external, internal, or secret) that needs healing, and to bring that issue into your awareness as you attend the live Webcast. In the likely event that His Holiness accepts Rinpoche’s invitation to attend, during the first minutes of the live broadcast we will ask His Holiness to offer his prayers and blessings for healing. Then, during a teaching and guided meditation in Tibetan Sound Healing, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will help you to access and abide in the powerful healing qualities of openness, warmth, and compassion surrounding your pain or obstacle. As many students of Rinpoche have already experienced, this simple, transformative meditation can bring profound and lasting beneficial effects.
Please join us for this special opportunity for healing. This live broadcast is for our Internet audience only.
Learn more / enter the broadcast page >
Other Online Events:
- Last Wednesday’s Webcast was recorded. You can view Rinpoche’s 90-minute public talk, “Tapping Into the Source of Creativity,” here >
- Online workshop with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Rinpoche’s next online workshop starts soon! Beginning Saturday, July 9, Rinpoche will be offering a three-week workshop on Tibetan meditation: “The Nature of Mind — Achieving Great Bliss through Pure Awareness.” Space is limited, so register soon. Offered in partnership with GlideWing Productions. Learn more / register for online workshop >