A Glimpse of the Consecration of the Great Mexican Stupa
Gabriel Rocco’s Opening Remarks
On December 4, 2010, close to 1,000 people attended the celebration of the Internal Consecration of the Great Stupa for World Peace in Chamma Ling, Valle de Bravo, Mexico, with honored guests Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Gabriel Rocco, senior student of Tenzin Rinpoche and board chair of Ligmincha Institute, gave this short speech at the ceremony.

As all of us here well know, the form and structure of the Stupa symbolizes the enlightened mind and heart, and includes all the parts and paths of enlightenment. From the outer foundation of the five elements, to inner discovery of the Four Immeasurable qualities of Love, Compassion, Equanimity, and Joy, through to the attainment of the Ten Bhumis - this physical structure represents all the knowledge and wisdom to attain liberation from suffering.
The sacred energy radiating from this magnificent Bon Stupa is dedicated to World Peace, freedom from confusion, violence, and aggression — beginning here in Mexico and spreading from this forest at Valle de Bravo all around this earth. But we who are gathered here also know that what we joyfully celebrate today is the accomplishment of a long-held dream of Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, to complete this Stupa dedicated to his and Tenzin Rinpoche's dzogchen master and teacher, Lopon Sangye Tenzin, here in Mexico, home to his reincarnation — Tulku Jorge Rene.
This Stupa is also the physical manifestation of the planning, years of labor, the selfless donations of energy and finances, peaceful resolutions of conflict, Bodhisattva-like perseverance, and in the end, the unceasing heartfelt devotion to the living Bon Tradition, to Yongdzin Rinpoche, to Tenzin Wangyal, Rinpoche, and all the Bon lineage holders, masters, and teachers all — who have shown us such priceless generosity.
When work on this Stupa began, I recall that Tenzin Rinpoche spoke to me not only about the outer physical manifestation, but how this project and the challenges it would bring, would come to represent within the Mexican sangha and the worldwide sangha, whether seen or unseen, how internally we as practitioners of Bon have built some strength — a strength of purpose to liberate ourselves in order to support the liberation of all beings from unnecessary pain.
In closing, on behalf of our teachers and members of our international sangha of Bon practitioners, I want to acknowledge the board of directors and council members of Garuda Mexico, the leadership of Jorge Valle, and the devotion of every member of the Mexican sangha who have together brought to manifestation this Great Bon Stupa for World Peace. In this special case, thank you all, so much, for turning a dream into a reality!
— Gabriel Rocco