European Bon Garuda Newsletter
Announcing the First Issue!
We are happy to announce the premier issue of the
European Bon Garuda Newsletter. A joint venture of the community of European students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, this online publication was created with
the encouragement of Rinpoche and the board of the European Bon Garuda Foundation.
This colorful newsletter is written in excellent English and is recommended reading for anyone (not just Europeans!) with an interest in Bon Buddhism and the teachings of Tenzin Rinpoche. The first issue includes in-depth information about the ngondro teachings, the Mexican stupa, the Three Doors program, past and future retreats, and more. Between the lines are the beauty, openness, and generosity of the international sanghas. Editors
Ton Bisscheroux of the Netherlands,
Anja Benesch of Germany, and
Jitka Polanská of the Czech Republic have done a wonderful job in making the newsletter not only beautiful and interesting but also user friendly. A second issue is planned for autumn 2011.
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