Bringing the Sanghas Together
New Websites Being Created for Ligmincha Sanghas and Centers
A new network of Ligmincha Websites is now under development! The seed for this idea took root more than a year ago. With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s full support, Lutz Dausend, a sangha member from Spain, is leading the effort.
A new Ligmincha International homepage will serve as a hub for all the worldwide Ligmincha centers and sanghas. This international Website will feature news of international interest; in-depth information about Ligmincha and the Bon Buddhist teachers, teachings and traditions; links to the international centers and sanghas; and more. Primary information will be translated into more than a dozen languages. Having this online home for all the sanghas will help to improve the accuracy, consistency, and accessibility of information as it is presented worldwide, while making it easier for interested people to connect with nearby teachings or practice groups.
New Websites, of similar design to the international page, will also be made available to each of the worldwide centers, sanghas and practice groups associated with Ligmincha. Each center and sangha will have the ability to manage and edit the locally based content of these sites. Lutz will also oversee the design of a new Website for the Ligmincha Institute Bookstore & Tibet Shop. Initial meetings between Lutz and directors of the worldwide Ligmincha centers and sanghas have already taken place; further meetings will be scheduled as development unfolds to determine each center’s needs and interests and inform about opportunities for website development. With these plans underway, it is recommended that no major upgrades be made to existing Ligmincha Websites, so that all energies may be focused on the new network of international sites.
We are grateful to Lutz for his inspiration and enthusiasm for this project, as well as to those members of our worldwide sangha who have already engaged in discussions and offered their invaluable feedback. This is a grand vision and project for Ligmincha, and we hope that the project itself will be a great opportunity to work collaboratively and collectively as an international sangha.
Sue Davis-Dill Executive
Director, Ligmincha Institute