Two important needs at Ligmincha are listed below. If you are interested in either of these positions — one as our on-site bookstore manager, one involving writing, editing or proofreading —please let us know! Additional volunteer opportunities can be found at this link >
Ligmincha Bookstore & Tibet Shop Seeks New Manager
A Letter From Manager Melissa O’Neill
Hello everyone!
A position is opening up soon for a new Ligmincha Bookstore Manager at Ligmincha Institute’s Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Va. My husband and I will be relocating to Indiana in the spring where he will continue his educational pursuits. I am excited for this new experience, but sad to leave my position here at Ligmincha Institute and my life in Charlottesville, Va.
The good news is someone else will have the opportunity to make a life change and to have the immense pleasure of managing the Ligmincha Institute Bookstore & Tibet Shop. We are now accepting resumes for the position of Bookstore Manager. This full-time, salaried position requires working on-site at Serenity Ridge. Please send inquiries and resumes to:
This position requires a highly organized person who works well in a small, dynamic office environment. Primary responsibilities include managing the e-commerce site, processing images and uploading them to the Web, writing text for merchandise descriptions, and managing inventory, orders, and sales for both our online and on-site retail store. Applicant must be open to assisting in other areas as needed. Proficiency with Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel and Access) and Quickbooks is a must; knowledge of Photoshop Elements 9, Adobe Audition and Adobe InDesign is a plus.
This is a wonderful opportunity to support the mission and vision of Ligmincha Institute while furthering a rewarding relationship with the teachings and the worldwide sanghas.
In Bon,
Melissa O’Neill
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Editorial Assistance Needed
A Request From the Communications Department
Ligmincha is in need of experienced writers, copy editors and/or proofreaders to help on a volunteer basis with the online and print materials we generate on a continual basis.
We’re looking for someone who feels a deep connection to Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and the Bon teachings; and who has enthusiasm, energy, and dedication for helping others to know about the teachings. This person should be highly detail oriented, flexible, willing to learn in action, and ideally will have at least two years’ professional experience in writing, copy editing or proofreading.
If this sounds like you, please fill out and submit an online volunteer application! Be sure to note on your application your specific interest in volunteering in this area, as well as your related knowledge and experience. If you have questions about this volunteer position, or if you’ve already sent us a volunteer application indicating your interest in this work, and continue to be interested in helping on a regular basis, please contact Polly Turner, Director of Communications. We hope to hear from you!