Meeting Our Needs for the Future
A Year-End Message From Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Dear Sangha and other friends of Ligmincha,
There have been a lot of challenges this past year in the world, both globally and on an individual level. By finding inner refuge in our regular meditation practice, we are continually helped, protected and guided as we face these challenges. We can all feel grateful for having this source of support and protection.
Here at Ligmincha International we are trying to do our best to find ways to preserve the Bon teachings and knowledge so that they will remain pure and accessible not only for us, but also for many generations in the future. When a goal is so high, many challenges are faced in trying to meet it. Therefore, all levels of financial contributions are very important for our future.
I hope you will consider making a year-end donation to Ligmincha Institute. Regardless of the amount, we are grateful for your generosity and assure you that every dollar will be thoughtfully spent on necessary projects. Some of our current needs include inviting and supporting resident lamas, developing more programs like the upcoming Soul Retrieval Training Program, having more weekend retreats, and wiring the gompa for live webcasts.
As the end of the year comes closer, I send my blessings to you and all your family.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche