A Letter From Rinpoche
Some Moving News!
As many of you know, for some time Tsering and I have been planning to move to Nepal so that our son, Senghe, can receive further education in the Bon teachings at Triten Norbutse Monastery. Tsering and I both feel that this is not the right time to make this move. We have decided to stay in the United States for the next couple of years and then move, not to Nepal but to India, so that Senghe can receive his education at Menri Monastery. While we will continue to live in the U.S., we feel it is important for Senghe to receive some education in Bon to help prepare him for the move to Menri Monastery. For this reason, we have decided to move temporarily from Virginia to the San Francisco Bay area in California. Geshe Chaphur, who lives there, will tutor Senghe in the Tibetan language and train him in the dharma. I have always enjoyed the nice energy of the Bay area, and this seems like a good opportunity to spend more time there.
As far as my teaching schedule is concerned, nothing will change, including my retreats and other engagements with Ligmincha at Serenity Ridge. I will continue to teach four retreats there each year, as well as give public talks in Charlottesville that will be broadcast live by webcast. We are planning to move to California around August 2012 so we can be settled into our new home in time for Senghe to start first grade.
With all my best wishes in Bon,
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche